Welcome to my Travel Blog! (Created April 5th, 2007)

Following the footsteps of my dear friends Linda and Adam, I've decided to create a travel blog separate from my regular one here. It will be nice to have everything all in one place and more accessible too! I hope to backblog trips I've already taken as I make scrapbooks for them in "real life," but of course the point is to share trips as I go. I also believe it's important to give back to those countries that I have visited that are in need, and I'm documenting that here. Thanks for stopping by and I hope you enjoy the blog!

Friday, April 6, 2007

Dominican Republic

In August 2004, Shoshy, Shawn, Adam W, Jon, Jen and I boarded a plane for Puerto Plata in the Dominican Republic for some all inclusive action! We definitely took full advantage of the luxury of an all inclusive, but we got up and did stuff too! I celebrated my birthday by hanging upside down on a trapeze at the exact minute I was born. I also sang at the piano bar (and flirted in Spanish with the totally cute pianist) and died a terrible death at the hands of Jen (the black queen) when Jon proved to be a better player than Adam. Or maybe it was all that free alcohol? The highlight of the trip for me was the day we went to a tiny island and snorkeled for hours. The underwater world is absolutely gorgeous, not to mention fascinating. Not to end on a superficial note, but we were so tanned by the end of the trip that I felt like a sexy, bronzed goddess. Adam's photos are here.

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