Welcome to my Travel Blog! (Created April 5th, 2007)

Following the footsteps of my dear friends Linda and Adam, I've decided to create a travel blog separate from my regular one here. It will be nice to have everything all in one place and more accessible too! I hope to backblog trips I've already taken as I make scrapbooks for them in "real life," but of course the point is to share trips as I go. I also believe it's important to give back to those countries that I have visited that are in need, and I'm documenting that here. Thanks for stopping by and I hope you enjoy the blog!

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Up and away!

I was sleeping on the basement couch here at Greg's, but I got paranoid and logged on here to check the time (the nearest clock was a computer, how convenient!) When I came down here to sleep the guys were drinking beer in front of the TV but I'm pretty sure they're all sleeping now. We're leaving for the airport in about an hour for our 6:30AM flight!

Today was very, very loooooooong - there was a ton of stuff to do, and not all of it involved packing. My to do list this morning looked something like this:

In the House
Finish Linda's plane letter
Make my mom give me B12
Bury dead bird in the backyard (a budgie I found on the street)
Charge camera & MP3 player
Wipe camera cards
Get choir music onto MP3 player
Notify credit card company so they don't shut down my card 1/2 way through the trip
Do laundry
Turn grey sweatpants into shorts
Print out maps and bus station information
Clean the bathroom

Out of the House
Go out for brunch with Linda
Mail two letters including one to Denmark
Buy food from No Frills
Deposit GST Cheque
Get more American Money from the Bank
Photocopy passport, insurance, etc.
Grab any other things I need from the mall
Have dinner at Dad's
Submit taxes

I'm tired just thinking about it all, but the bulk of it did get done. Taxes are filed, the bird had a nice musical funeral with my mom in attendance, and my pack is quite heavy (though mostly with bookcrossing books and food, so it will get lighter as I go). I had to do some serious mental wrestling to stop myself from bringing everything I wanted to. The hardest thing to take back out of the pack was a dress (you know the one that you put on and it makes you feel great no matter what else is going on), but bringing it didn't really make much sense. My straw hat also got culled because I would have had to attach it to the outside of my pack and it seemed like more trouble than its worth.

Here is a picture of brunch with Linda this morning! We went to Cora's at Dufferin & Steeles - so good! It has been at least a year since we've last seen each other and I'm so glad we did, especially since she's soon going on a travel adventure of her own! It had definitely been far too long!

It's 3:42 and Adam and Greg just came down the stairs. Adam also appears to be taping me and now we're going to start loading the car. And so, my dear friends, I shall depart and leave you with a picture of fruit from this morning!

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