Welcome to my Travel Blog! (Created April 5th, 2007)

Following the footsteps of my dear friends Linda and Adam, I've decided to create a travel blog separate from my regular one here. It will be nice to have everything all in one place and more accessible too! I hope to backblog trips I've already taken as I make scrapbooks for them in "real life," but of course the point is to share trips as I go. I also believe it's important to give back to those countries that I have visited that are in need, and I'm documenting that here. Thanks for stopping by and I hope you enjoy the blog!

Friday, April 6, 2007

England the Second!

Happy Birthday Benny!England, England, England, Mushroom, Mushroom!

As my long anticipated and long awaited graduation gift, my dad took us on a two week trip to England on beginning July 11th, 2006. As we hugged my uncle Benny at the airport, it felt as though I had been given a drink of water after going thirsty for years. Second home again, finally!

This trip to England was a little more active than my last one; being with my dad, we could do some major sightseeing! Of course, this was a little more difficult than you might expect since England was in the middle of the hottest summer on record (and they are not fans of airconditioning)! Still, we managed to take in Surrey (my dad's old university town), Cambridge and Bath. I went to see my friend Michael in Winchester/Southampton where it was much cooler, and also went to Belgium for the weekend. To end the trip, we stayed with my dad's younger brother Mosie for a couple of days (and I met my awesome aunt Diana for the very first time) after the big party.

Photos from the trip can be found here.

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