Welcome to my Travel Blog! (Created April 5th, 2007)

Following the footsteps of my dear friends Linda and Adam, I've decided to create a travel blog separate from my regular one here. It will be nice to have everything all in one place and more accessible too! I hope to backblog trips I've already taken as I make scrapbooks for them in "real life," but of course the point is to share trips as I go. I also believe it's important to give back to those countries that I have visited that are in need, and I'm documenting that here. Thanks for stopping by and I hope you enjoy the blog!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Heading out East!

Here I go on another impromptu adventure!

With my boss on vacation next week, I'm taking my "optional" vacation and have decided to do something off the beaten trail...I'm going Wwoofing in Quebec! Probably most of you haven't heard of the term, Wwoofing stands for "Willing Workers on Organic Farms" or "World Wide Orientation on Organic Farms", basically the idea is that you go, and in exchange for free room and board, you help out with farm stuff for about 6 hours per day.

I'm pretty darn excited, but nervous too - first off I've never done anything of this sort before, and second, it'll all be done in French! I've definitely set myself up for a challenge.

I'm leaving tomorrow, as usual though I'm not quite packed. I'm pretty sure I have a packing deficiency, where no matter what time I have, I always have to pack late at night on the day before I'm supposed to go. Still, I'm amazed at how much I've been able to fit into my backpack - a sleeping bag and a blanket on top of clothes for 10 days, and of course, quite a few books! I'm looking forward to getting away from the computer for a while, but I will be taking lots of pictures and I've got a paper journal with me so I'll be able to make a full report later. In the mean time, you could check out the blog of my hosts and look at all the pretty pictures of the farm in the archives!

I'll be hitching a ride with David and Adam to Ottawa tomorrow, and then tomorrow night I'll meet my host and he'll drive me the rest of the way. Then a week on the farm, and the weekend with Judy in Montreal before heading home.

A plus tot!

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